For Year 2022-23

Title of the Best Practice: –

1. ‘Vidnyan Jagar : Awaken the Science’

To inculcate scientific temper among citizens and revels facts through science

Enhance interest in the science among students in order to retain quality human resource

  1. Objectives of the Practice
  • Development of scientific temper among students and citizens.
  • Organization of quiz, model, essay, poster competitions for school and college students.
  • To arrange scientific lectures slide shows etc. for society
  • To arrange exhibition of scientific experiments in which nearby school students avail laboratoryspace and college students who works as a volunteer can understand the basic concept throughexperiential learning.
  • To publish ‘scientific information bulletin.
  • Organization of DES-INSPIRE Camp for 11th standard students with main intention to expose them tothe excitement and methods of science, research and innovation in order to attract and retain themin the field of basic science.
  1. The Context

College is situated in the educationally backward area. Schools in the vicinity have lack laboratory and library facilities. Hence provide them laboratory material facilities and information of recent advances in the field of science

The Practice

In line with our institutional goals and objectives, college has published monthly E -info letter – ‘Eureka’ since September 2022 to till date. E -info letter – ‘Eureka’ is publishing in e format and is circulated through social media groups. All the published issues are available on College Website. All attempts are made to circulate and reach to each and every school and college students of our and nearby tahsils and district.

Des-Inspire Internship Camp is organized every year with due logistic and monitory support of Dapoli Education Society (DES) for students of 11th Science standard. The activity is based on theme of DST-INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) to attract and retain large number of students in basic science and to promote research in basic science. This year it is inaugurated by Dr. Mayuresh Prabhune Secretary, Center for Citizen Science. He delivered key note address on the topic ‘Introduction to Universe and Astronomy’. This camp includes12 lectures and 8 practical sessions of eminent educationalist & researchers. 136 Students of 11th science from junior colleges located in Dapoli, Khed and Mandangad tehsils are benefited by this activity. With this line science association conduct the programme o science day etc Along with these activities all the departments conduct various activities like exhibition of wild and medicinal plant,  plant  of the week , World Wildlife Day Photography Competition, biodiversity photography competition , World Science Day etc.





  1. Evidence of Success

Many positive feedbacks are received about Eureka and Des-Inspire Internship Camp. Different readers and students were replied after publication of each issue of Eureka and completion of

Inspire camp through message and comment curiously and positively.

Problems Encountered

For DES-INSPIRE camp, Dapoli Education Society provides finance but which is not meeting with the expenses incurred. All these activities required more man hours and which find difficult to invest by students and faculties.

These are sustained activities and hence every year there is search of new ideas for exhibition and new resource persons for INSPIRE in order to maintain novelty in the activities.

Resources Required

  • IT facility
  • Social media platforms
  • Space on college Web site
  • Intellectual resources from various authors
  • Well Learned Faculty Resource for INSPIRE, Logistic Support .But till date on overcoming problems and generating resources this activity is successfully and popularly organized every year.

Title of the Best Practice: –

2.Thanks to Nature: A Worship

To inculcate interest and awareness among citizens and students about environment and its conservation.

1.0 Objectives of the Practice

  • To inculcate environmental consciousness among students and citizens
  • Pollution free and environmental friendly campus.
  • To cultivate and propagate endemic and threatened plants
  • To conserve natural and energy resource.

2.0    The Context

Tremendous urbanization and civilization and its ever increasing rate is major global environmental threat, which not only pollute the environment but exploits the natural resources. Same trend of environmental detoration and exploitation of nature is observed in Dapoli and its vicinity. Dapoli is famous for its cool and pleasant atmosphere and beaches. Its environmental and ecological hotspots are conserved yet, but increasing urbanization, concept of second home destination starts the detoration of the nature, cutting of forests and creates disturbances in environment. Prevention is always better than cure. In line with this narrative we are inculcating the practice of in campus environment conservation and develop environment consciousness among the stake holders in order to protect the environment of Dapoli and stop the exploitation of natural resources and conserve, cultivate and propagate the endangered and threaten species.

  1. The Practice
  • Solar panels are available in College Campus to reduce the demand of energy and its utilization.
  • College develops rain water harvesting system. The harvested watercan also be utilized for groundwater recharge
  • Practice of celebrating No Vehicle Day
  • Compost pit is constructed in the campus in order to convert biodegradable solid waste into useful manure which is used as fertilizer for plants in the campus.
  • To keep college campus clean, dust bins are placed in the college campus.
  • To minimize the use of Paper, College adopts a policy of a paperless office.
  • Botanical garden has huge variety of endangered and rare plant species which protect the Flora.
  • Propagation and conservation of endemic, rare, endangered and threatened plants.
  • Celebration of various days and activities related to environment by Green care committee, Environmental science department and nature clubs.
  • Collection of E-waste. Green audit, environment audit and energy audit.
  • Annual practice of green audit, environment audit and energy audit.


  • Evidences of Success.

Cleanliness drive:

NSS and nature club conducted Cleanliness drive at beach and other places of dapoli

Reduction in energy requirement –College has solar panel to reduce the use of electricity and increase the use of non conventional energy sources.

Rain water harvesting:-  College constructed tanks for water conservation in college campus. In botanical garden trenches are prepared for the water and soil conservation. Rain water from the college roof is collected and it is allow percolating in the land to increase water table.

Waste management: –College conducted E-waste collection drive in which all e-waste is collected and hand over to agency for recycling.

Conservation of rare and endangered species: Flora and fauna are continuously protected in botanical garden and preserved the virgin forest in college campus. More than hundred endemic and critically endangered plants of Frerea indica are propagated and distributed to some colleges for conservation.

Green care committee has conducted different activities like Rain water harvesting through trenches in Botanical Garden and college campus, Poster Making Competition on Plastic pollution Awareness. Eco- friendly Ganesh Idol making Competition, biodiversity poster making competition.


Nature club committee conducted different activities like Paper bag making competition Seed ball making and sowing activity, Poster Competition, Exhibition of Paper Bags and Posters, Rakhi making Competition by using natural products.  

Environmental science and botany zoology and physics department also organized many activities related to plant conservation and maintenance of biodiversity. These activities are helpful for students, college, environment protection and sustainability.


   5.0 Problems Encountered

This year college conducted many activities. These activities required more human resource. Human resource is available in the form of college student’s but due to tight schedule of theory and practical it is diff cult to manage.

6.0 Resources Required

Enthusiastic Human Resource, Financial Resource, Incubation of innovative ideas

Logistic Support .But till date these activities are successfully organized every year by overcoming the problems and generating resources.


Supportive documents

Science association 2022 -2023

EVS Annual Report

Green Care Committee Report 22-23

International Earth Day Report

medicinal plant exhibition_compressed

Nature club Annual Report 2022-23

Paper Bag Making

Plantation , Cleanliness drive and Har Ghar Tiranga Report

Van Mahotsav

World Tiger Day

World Wildlife Day Photography competition report 2023

World Wildlife Day Report

Zero Emission Day

Cleanliness Day Report