Minority girls to main streaming of education
- Vision :
To promote education among the deprived and minority section of girls students
- Mission:
- To create social awareness about the problems of women in general and gender discrimination in particular.
- To encourage and boost confidence of deprived and minority section girls students through participation in workshops and Co- and Extra-curricular activities
- To make minority girl students realize necessity of physical health composed minds, mental wellness and importance of food and nutrition.
Minority percentage in Dapoli city and adjoining areas are comparably high. Their socioeconomic status is low educated and poor. Particularly girls of this community are deprived from access to higher education despite of their academic merit. Being a leading educational institute in higher education of this region our college has to address this issue and shoulder the responsibility of mainstreaming this community particularly girls of this community. This is a situational challenge in front of us.
The college complies with the major goals of National Education Policy 1986, which includes value based education with special focus on gender parity and minority rights. The College emphasizes the need to mainstream the marginalized and weaker sections of students to ensure justice and equity in society. The college takes special interest in giving admission and the majority of student intake is from the minority. The college has cells like OBC Cell, Minority Cell, and SC/ST Cell etc. for the upliftment of the poor and underprivileged sections of society. The high ratio of female students enrolled and in that there are a large number of Muslim girls in our college. The performance of our Muslim girl students in examination is exceptional in spite of the fact that majority of them have a rural background. The secret of success is due to the remedial teaching and mentoring which helped the Muslim girl students to get rid of academic and stress related problems.
Parents of minority girls are reluctant to send their girls in the colleges for higher education. The main reason behind it is safety and security of their girls. Our college environment has inherent safety and unbiased working and academic atmosphere.
- To motivate these students –
1) College is extending all kind of necessary help to minority girls to avail different types of scholarships from various minority trusts. (Number of beneficiaries: 27)
2) In order to develop confidence and belongingness about the college, minority girls are given representation in various functioning committees and in student council of the college. Which plays pivotal role in college functioning
3) Minority cell is set up with an objective of action up on problems of minority students. This cell provides special counseling to minority girls pertaining to their academic health and other any issues.