Practice 1:

Title of the Practice: – ‘Vidnyan Jagar – Awaken the Science’

To inculcate scientific temper among the students and society to reveal facts through science. Thispractice includes bunch of five different activities

1) ‘Vidnyan Jagar’ Exhibition

2) Dapoli Education Society (DES) – INSPIRE camp

3) Demonstration of science experiment

4) Plant of the week activity

5) E- info Letter ‘Eureka’

Objectives of the Practice

  • To Developscientific temper among students and citizens.
  • To provide facility of laboratories to the schools with lack of laboratory infrastructure.
  • To inculcate scientific temper and translate recent scientific information through organization of quiz, model, essay, poster competitions, scientific lectures, slide shows etc.
  • To organize DES-Inspire Camp for 11th standard to attract the quality human resource in field of basic science.
  • To spread scientific information, monthly publication of E -info letter ‘Eureka’.
  1. The Context

College is situated in the educationally and economically backward area which has lack of communication facilities and hardly exposed to scientific development. Schools in the vicinity has inadequatelaboratory facilities, hence students in the schools are deprived from hands on exposure to science practical. Students of junior college are unexposed to carrier in science. These are the necessities of the region in the field of science. Our institute is established to fulfil the regional thirst of science education with vision of spread of science among the society. To address the necessities, college organizes exhibition of the experiments based on school science syllabus for students of schools in campus and forpresentation of experiments in schools. DES – INSPIRE camp is a platform for junior college student to know about career in science. Spread of science knowledge is carried out by organising exhibition, scientific talks,E info letter Eureka etc.

  1. The Practice
  • ‘VIDNYAN JAGAR’Exhibition

This exhibition is organising based on the theme ‘To revel and understand scientific principle through laboratory experiments.’ Each science department of college participates and arranges exhibits and experiments in the exhibition. Every department designs the experiment with the help of students. Students demonstrate each experiment and exhibit during exhibition. This will help the students to understand basic principles and concepts of the subject through experiential learning. Students of invited schools perform experiments and see exhibits related totheir science syllabus and also get informationrelated to particular subject through experiments and exhibits. Local peoples who are visiting the exhibition understand basic scientific terms and themes.

  • Dapoli Education Society (DES) – INSPIRE

DES-INSPIRE camp is organisedwith due logistic and monitory support of Dapoli Education Society for students of 11th science standard based on theme of DST-INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research). This activity is carried out to attract and retain flow of students in basic science and to promote research in basic science. This 5days camp includes lectures of eminent educationist and researchers, Laboratory practical sessions,hands on sessions like making of scientific models / toys etc. Resource persons for lectures and hands on sessions are invited from reputed institutes. Students of 11th science from junior colleges located in Dapoli and adjoining tehsils are benefited by this activity.

  • Demonstration of science experiment:

Volunteers of NSS demonstrated the science experiments in the primary school ,Nigade in adjacent   village in Dapoli tehsil.

  • Plant of the week activity:

To know and create awareness about importance of plants, live plant is exhibited weekly along with its detail information at prominent place atmain entrance of college.

  • E-info Letter Eureka:

To transfer the knowledge in science and to communicate the recent advances in the field of science, E -info letter ‘Eureka’ is published monthly by the college. The articles of the letter include the information about scientist, noble laurates, scientific articles and recent advances etc. All the published issues are available on college website and can be downloaded. This info letter is circulated through all possible social media to various schools, colleges, institute in higher education and science lovers.

This is unique practice in context to higher education system not only provides opportunity of experiential learning to our college students but also this practice translates science knowledge and opens avenues of learning to adjoining schools and junior college students.

Evidence of Success

  • ‘Vidnyan Jagar’ exhibition

Due to financial and busy schedule the exhibitionhas not conducted in this year.

Dapoli Education Society (DES) – INSPIRE:

Continuous organisation of this camp since 2015. In this year152 students of 11th std. from Dapoli and adjoining tahsils are benefited. DES- INSPIRE INTERNSHIP CAMP-2023-2024 was inaugurated by Chief guest Mr Nilesh Kulkarni(Director of Technovision) on 06th January 2024. He delivered key note address on the topic Today’s Technology’. The Valedictory function was scheduled on 10h January 2024 and the invited guest for the function was Dr. Aniruddha Phadke (renowned Pediatrician, Dapoli).

No. Junior College Participated: 01

No. of Lecture Sessions: 11

No. of Practical Sessions: 03

Dapoli Mentors invited for delivering lectures for DES- INSPIRE INTERNSHIP CAMP-2023-2024 are mentioned in detail in the schedule attached here with the report.

More than 50 % of the students who attended the camp continued their education in the field of basic science. 2 students are selected in IISER/IIT for their higher studies.

  • Demonstration of science experiment

NSS unit are presented science experiments in Primary School Nigade.

in Dapoli tehsil.

  • Plant of the week activity:

Motivational feedbacks are received.

  • E -info letter ‘Eureka’:

This info letter is shared in different groups and individual social media account. Motivational feedbacks are received.

  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

For ‘VIDNYAN JAGAR’ and ‘DES-INSPIRE’, Dapoli Education Society provides finance but is not enough to meet the expenses incurred. All these activities require more man hours and which find difficult to invest by students and faculties in this semester-based examination system. These are sustained activities and hence every year there is search of new ideas in order to maintain novelty in the activities.

  1. Resources Required

Enthusiastic Human Resource, Financial Resource, Incubation of innovative ideas. Well Learned Faculty Resource for INSPIRE, Logistic Support.But till date by overcoming these problems, this practice is made successful.


Report Plant of week 2023-24

demonstration of experiments

INSPIRE activity report 2023-2024

Practice 2:

2. Name of practice: Thanks to Nature: A Worship

The molecules of life are organized in a definite pattern to form cells, tissues, organs, system, and organism. An interaction of different organisms and with the surrounding environment forms populations, community and ecosystem successively and all form a biosphere in the planet. In order to maintain a balance and integrity between each of these components, our college has taken initiatives for maintaining a healthy ecosystem necessary for sustainable development of the society and environment.

  1. Objective:
  • To conserve the natural environment, inculcate the idea of sustainable environment and train the youth in smart management of the renewable and non-renewable resources for a clean and green environment.
  • To cultivate and conserve endemic and threatened plants
  • To conserve energy and natural resources.
  • Adaption of green practices.
  1. The Context

Tremendous urbanization and civilization and its ever-increasing rate are major global environmental threat, which not only pollute the environment but exploits the natural resources. Same trend of environmental deterioration and exploitation of nature is observed in Dapoli and its vicinity. Dapoli is famous for its cool and pleasant atmosphere and beaches. Its environmental and ecological hotspots are conserved yet, but increasing urbanization, concept of second home destination starts the deterioration of the nature, deforestation and ecological surgeries. Prevention is always better than cure, in line with this narrative we are inculcating the practice in campus environment conservation and develop environment consciousness among the stake holders in order to protect the environment of Dapoli and to stop the exploitation of natural resources as well as conserve, cultivate and propagate the endangered and threaten species.

  1. The practice:
  1. Conservation:
  • Rain water harvesting system and soil conservation:

Constructed water tanks for rain water harvesting in college campus. Digging of trenches to reduce soil erosion. Rain water from the college roof is collected and it is allowed to percolate in the land to increase water table. Separately harvested rain water also to be used in the laboratory as distilled water.

  • Biodiversity Conservation:

College has developed botanical garden which includes conservation of different plants including endemic and threatened medicinal plants, pond Garden, butterfly garden, spices and condiments garden as well as rock Garden. College has also conserved gene pool of wild medicinal plants in situ in college campus.

  • Water conservation:Construction of various water body reservoirs and trenches in adapted villages.
  • Mass plantation programmes:conducted various mass plantation programmes in campus, adopted villages and nearby places.
  1. Waste Management:
  • Solid and liquid Waste management: Constructed soak pits, composite pits in adopted villages namely Valne and Nigade for waste water management. College preparedcompost from solid biodegradable wastewhich is used as manure for the nourishment of plant in campus and botanical garden.
  • E-Waste management: College conduct E-waste collection drives in which all e-waste is collected and handed over to agency for recycling.
  • Chemical waste management: Used volatile and nonvolatile chemicals are primarily collected in separate container. These chemicals are separated, purified and reused. Effluent from chemical laboratory is processed.
  • Provisions of dust bins: Separate dustbins are placed in college campus for biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous waste.
  • Cleanliness drive: Conducted cleanliness drivesin campus, adopted villages and nearby places.
  1. Green practices:
  • ‘No Vehicle Day’: ‘No Vehicle Day’ celebrated in college to reduce the pollution and to create awareness among the students.
  • Minimized use of paper: Maximum use of e-notes, e-test, e- papers, e -journals, e-books, e- assessment, e-governance etc.
  • Distribution of paper bags:To minimize the use of plastic nature club prepare the paper bags and NSS department distribute paper bags , school bags in  school and villages.
  1. Green energy and power saving initiatives:
  • Towards non-conventional energy: College has installed solar panel to generate the electricity as a step towards non-conventional energy sources.
  • Power saving initiatives: Less power consuming appliances like inverter refrigerator and air conditioner, LEDlights, sensor lights are installed
  1. Awareness:
  • Awareness about local biodiversity and sacred groves.
  • Students from study tours of different colleges were informed about local biodiversity and sacred groves conservation.
  • Celebrations of days, organization of seminar etc.
  1. Evidence of Success:
  • Conservation:
    • Constructed 4 Bandharas, 4 trenches.
    • well water storage capacity of increases  from30 days  to 45 days
    • 800 liters of harvested rain water used as distilled water.
    • Conserved308 endemic and threatened medicinal plants.
    • Two acre area of college campus conserved as virgin forest.
    • In 05plantations programme,Planted 228saplings.
    • 150 saplings of Frerea indica is propagated and distributed to —– colleges
  • Waste Management:
  • Constructed 02 soak pits, 02 compost pits for solid waste management.
  • College prepared120 kg compost per
  • 12 no. of Laptop, desktop, mouse, keyboard and others garbage is collected and handed over to the agency.
  • Need of liquid chemicals reduced fromfor UG 149litres to 28 liters
  • Provision of 22 small, 55 medium,3 large and one extra-large dustbin.
  • Conducted 06cleanliness drives.
  • Green practices:
  • Best Green Campus recognition Greenvio Solution, Dist. Palghar.
  • Plastic free campus.
  • , Nature club -24, and botany department -27
  • Green energy and power saving initiatives:
    • 45 solar panels generated 2357unit electricity in six month
    • 284 LED tubes, 135 LED bulbs, 10A.C, 6 Inverters.
  • Awareness:
  • Conducted 02 Street Plays, 2 rallies, 03 lectures,02 exhibitions for creating awareness of pollution among the people.
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required.
  • of physical activities are reduced in covid -19 pandemic period
  • Lack of financial assistance by external agencies.
  • Limitation of activities due to different academic schedule of science and commerce faculty student.


Energy usage and environmental Policy of DUBSSC

Activity report on Biodiversity conservation

Annual maintance contract

Audit Certiicates

E-disposal agreement


EVS report 23-24

Exhibition of wild edible plants

Medicinal plants exhibition

wetland day
