DES-INSPIRE INTERNSHIP CAMP is organized on 21st to 25th January 2020 with due logistic and monitory support of Dapoli Education Society for students of 11th Science standard based on theme of DST-INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) to attract and retain large number of students in basic science and to promote research in basic science. This 5 days camp includes lectures of eminent educationist researchers, Laboratory practical sessions Hands on sessions like making of scientific models / toys. Resource persons for lectures are invited from reputed institutes. 9 lecture sessions, 6 practical sessions and 4 hands on practical sessions are organized in INSPIRE camp. This year it is inaugurated by Dr. Alka Gogate Former head Department of Microbiology, Lokmanya Tilak Memorial Hospital and Medical College Sion, Mumbai. She delivered key note address on the topic ‘World of Microbes’. In this year 5 junior colleges, 140 students participated. Students of 11th science from junior colleges located in Dapoli Khed and Mandangad tehsils are benefited by this activity. The workshops are intended to expose students to the excitement and methods of science, research and innovation, just prior to the time when they make their career decisions (normally after 12th std). This camp is become helpful for 11th Science students of Dapoli and adjoining area.
To spread science education we arrange the exhibition ‘Vidnyan Jagar’
Vidnyan Jagar is yearly practice under which varies science experiments are exhibited to school students, teachers and for all science lovers of that region. This exhibition is organized on 5th December 2019 at ‘Padmashri Annasaheb Behere Vidyalay Ade’, Tal Dapoli, on the theme ‘To revel and understand scientific principle through laboratory experiments’. Every science department designs the experiment with the help of students. Students demonstrate each experiment and exhibit during exhibition. In this year 06 schools, 900 students, 25 teachers, 100 citizens visited this exhibition. This will help the students to understand basic principles and concepts of the subject through experiential learning. This exhibition has remarkably benefited to the school going students as they can perform the experiments, finds the observations through demonstrations as well as exposed to high end instruments and equipments, otherwise this was not possible at their school laboratory. Students of invited schools perform experiments and see exhibits mentioned in their science syllabus. Also get information related to particular subject through experiments and exhibits. Local peoples who are visiting the exhibition understand basic scientific terms and themes. The following activities are carried out under Vidnyan Jagar
- Demonstration of science experiments NSS adopted village
- Distribution of books to the schools
- Environmental Conservation
- To inculcate environmental consciousness among students and citizens
- Pollution free and environmental friendly campus makes the campus conducive to learning.
Tremendous urbanization and civilization and its ever increasing rate is major global environmental threat, which not only pollute the environment but exploits the natural resources. Same trend of environmental detoration and exploitation of nature is observed in Dapoli and its vicinity. Dapoli is famous for its cool and pleasant atmosphere and beaches. Dapoli and adjoining area rather entire konkan belt is till date virgin and unexploited. Its environmental and ecological hotspots are conserved yet, but increasing urbanization, concept of second home starts the deterioration of the nature, cutting of forests and creates disturbances in environment. Prevention is always better than cure. In line with this narrative we are inculcating the practice of in campus environment conservation and develop environment consciousness among the stake holders in order to protect the environment of Dapoli and stop the exploitation of natural resources and conserve endangered and threaten species of flora and fauna
Our environmental Activities:
- College started PG course in Environmental science to create awareness regarding environment among the students.
- Solar panel installed in College Campus for Solar Energy and reduces the demand of energy and its utilization.
- College develops rain water harvesting system. The harvested watercan also be committed to longer-term storage or groundwater recharge
- Celebrated NO VECHICLE DAY to keep the campus vehicle free which helps to save the fuel avoids the environmental pollution.
- Vermi-compost pits are developed in the campus in order to convert all the solid waste into useful manure which is used as fertilizer for plants in campus.
- To keep college campus clean ‘Use me’ dust bins for dry and wet waste are placed in the college campus.
- To minimize the use of Paper, College adopts a policy of a paperless office.
- Botanical garden has huge variety of endangered and rare plant species which protect the Flora.
- College has soil testing laboratory which tests the soil sample of nearby farmer land.
- College NSS and DLLE units conducted several Environmental awareness street plays
- E-waste is collected from students and teachers.
- Green Audit of campus done regularly.
Evidence of Success
- Use Reusable Bags:
College has prepared and distributed 206 Cloth bags to the villagers of NSS adopted village Nigade.
- Cleanliness drive:
Under Cleanliness drive ‘SWACHH BHART ABHIYAN’ NSS volunteers cleaned campus area of college as well as adopted village Nigade and constructed 03 soaking pits in the campus of ‘Nigade’ primary School.
- Plantation Program throughout the year :
Planted more than 500 plants of teak and 650 other different plants under program ‘Vanmahotsav’ in village ‘Valane’ and near ‘Kumbharwadi’. These plantation programmes were conducted in association with Forest Department Dapoli and Jalgoan Grampanchayat. Organized tree plantation programme in college campus in collaboration with ‘Gaint Group, Dapoli’. Total 1490 plants planted during the year.
- Reduction in energy requirement
College has installed solar panel to reduce the use of electricity and increase the use of natural resources. In the year 2019-2020 we reduces the use electricity 24 percentage
- Rain water harvesting
NSS unit of college constructed 07 Vanarai Bundhara for water conservation at Nigade and Valane village as well as constructed 14 tunnels /channels and pits for water conservation in college campus. Collected the rain water from the college roof and it is percolated in the land to increase water level.
- Waste management:
- College conducted E-waste collection drive in which all waste is collected from students and staff and hand over to agency for recycling.
- College NSS Unit and Nature Club jointly conducted waste to best activity in which prepared decorative articles and bird feeder from plastic bottles. Bird feeder are hanged in college campus.
- Conservation of rare and endangered species:
Flora and fauna are conserved in botanical garden and protected virgin forest area of college campus. Some medicinal, endemic, rare and endangered species are propagated and conserved in botanical garden.